Choose Your Adventure!


The Neurotic Monkey's Guide to Survival is dedicated to providing innovative ideas that will alter reality as we know it and could very well SAVE YOUR LIFE. Plus videos of people getting hit in the junk.



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    Mass Distraction

    Monkey See...


    Deep Red

    Monkey See (on TV)...

    Childrens Hospital - On Adult Swim


    Goonies the Musical!


    Sloth's Song

    Goonies the Musical!


    Takin' It Back

    Goonies the Musical!


    Piano Lessons

    Goonies the Musical!




    Entries by Rob Dean (454)

    Quotent Quotables - January 28, 2010

    "If life isn't hard, then you're doing something wrong." - David Letterman

    My Mid-Life Crisis

    I don’t intend to live long. 

    There’s an old joke, “What’s the best way to make God laugh?  Make a plan.”  I doubt that I will be lucky enough to be blessed with a timely demise.  Not that I really have a strong suicidal urge (not compared to the next seriously depressed person).  I simply don’t like the idea of being old and infirmed, embarrassingly relying on my loved ones to take care of me while I slowly lose my physical and mental faculties.

    The reason for this semi-self-destructive diatribe is that I believe I suffered what could be a classic mid-life crisis at the age of 18.  I had been accepted to college and was preparing to go there in September.  But that summer, I decided to dip my toes into the craziness and try to revive my long slumbering barbaric yawp.

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    What? Why? - ICP Western Movie

    Oh sweet jesus....

    Apparently, still buzzing from their Gathering - which even included Mushroomhead and PEOPLE ON STILTS - Insane Clown Posse has made a western movie.  Ugh.


    (Via Videogum)

    Quotent Quotables - January 26, 2010

    "Comedy without victims is boring." - Joe Rogan

    Goonies the Musical, Part 3: Takin' It Back!

    Here's another video for the musical I've created with my collaborator, Keith Doughty, based on The Goonies.  We got mentions in /Film, Topless Robot,, Cinematical, FilmDrunk, The Nerdist, Fandango, HeyUGuys!, IMDB - so that's awesome.  Here's one of the videos, for "Takin' It Back."  Lyrics and a recap of background info on the project after the jump!

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    Katie Cook Is the Chosen One

    For she has brought balance to The Force and allowed me to even enjoy (non-bitchy) references to the Prequels.  Check this art out!

    These are adorable...and AWESOME!  Please head over to Katie's site to check out more.  I really look forward to whatever her next project will be.  (Via Great White Snark)

    Saturday Morning Cartoons - It's Like Vaudeville, But Less "Chinaman" Jokes

    Oh, Home I miss you...

    After the jump, a few more glimpses into the brilliant, fevered minds of Brendon Small and company...

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    Immodest Proposal: The Audacity of Masturbating Bears

    Updated on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 4:43AM by Registered CommenterRob Dean

    Updated on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 6:43PM by Registered CommenterRob Dean

    The last of Conan on NBC just aired, and with it comes a few thoughts.

    Firstly, I was perusing Hulu today, looking at the most recently added shows to see if Archer had been added yet (alack alas, not until February 14 - weak sauce, I know).  I was moving my cursor around the page when I passed by The Jay Leno Show (requisite: Boo! Hiss!) and happened to notice what people are tagging the Leno Show with:

    (Click on thumbnail)

    Also, Michael Ian Black wrote a bleak but honest assessment of the whole thing. 

    Although, I disagree. 

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    Quotent Quotables - January 21, 2010

    Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.

    - Voltaire

    Looking at you, Taylor Momsen.

    Don't be like her - have a soul and please continue to contribute to Haitian relief efforts!

    My Home

    Thomas Wolfe once famously said, “You can’t go home again.”  While I tend to shy away from clichés, I happen to think this sad adage about growing up and apart from our childhood selves has special significance in my life.  Halfway through high school, I moved to a different town and school.  While this is a pretty huge event in the maturation and formation of anyone, for me it didn’t just signify a change in zip code and social circles but instead it changed the way I thought about “home”.

    I grew up in Lincoln, MA, but I don’t consider that my hometown.  Sure, that’s where my earliest experiences and oldest friends come from, but I never saw it to completion.  I never experienced all of the dizzying drama that the last two years of high school bring, never experienced the collective insanity of graduation with those people.  I drifted apart from so many of them, since high school is all about immediacy and I lived 2 hours away.  I don’t even know where half of my old friends ended up, what college they went to, or with whom they went to the prom.

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    Monkey See, Monkey Review - "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs"

    Original Cover to the Book

    Childhood nostalgia is a tricky thing.  Cater to it too much, and you become an obsessive completist stuck in the past and unable to appreciate any new approaches or nuances to familiar subject matter.  Disregard it too much and you risk alienating and offending people who loved the subject matter in the first place.

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    Quotent Quotables - January 19, 2010

    Drink and dance and laugh and lie,
    Love, the reeling midnight through,
    For tomorrow we shall die!
    (But, alas, we never do.)

    -Dorothy Parker


    Insomniac Theatre - January 19, 2010

    I frequently can't sleep.  So in those moments, I'll come on to this site and post whatever I happen to have stumbled upon in the wee hours of the morning/night.

    Tonight's entertainment comes from the zeitgeist viral band OK Go for their song "This Too Shall Pass."

    They always make great videos...I just wish the songs were a bit better, though lord knows they're pretty dang catchy.

    Where's Wallace? The Chuckle Hut, That's Where!

    From Tim Heidecker - of Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job! fame - I give you - The Wire, with a lafftrack:


    (Language NSFW - but HILARIOUS)