Choose Your Adventure!


The Neurotic Monkey's Guide to Survival is dedicated to providing innovative ideas that will alter reality as we know it and could very well SAVE YOUR LIFE. Plus videos of people getting hit in the junk.



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    Mass Distraction

    Monkey See...


    Deep Red

    Monkey See (on TV)...

    Childrens Hospital - On Adult Swim


    Goonies the Musical!


    Sloth's Song

    Goonies the Musical!


    Takin' It Back

    Goonies the Musical!


    Piano Lessons

    Goonies the Musical!




    Entries in Comedy (4)

    Quotent Quotables - July 8, 2011

    Not living in fear is a great gift, because certainly these days we do it so much. And do you know what I like about comedy? You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time—of anything. If you're laughing, I defy you to be afraid.

    - Stephen Colbert

    Are You Ready for the Summer?

    I woke up and thought it would be a better world if there existed a video that combined the song "Are You Ready for the Summer?" sung by children in the movie Meatballs with scenes of brutal murders from the Friday the 13th series of films.

    And Crispin Glover dancing like a spaz.

    This is the life I chose.

    Tossed Salad & Scrambled Eggs - They Callin' Again.

    Pretty Dang Brilliant Spinoff of My Drunk Kitchen: My Hungover Kitchen

    (I kind of love this soooo much you guys)

    Episode 1 - The French Toastening:

    (episode 2 is after the jump)

    Click to read more ...

    Quotent Quotables - January 26, 2010

    "Comedy without victims is boring." - Joe Rogan