Entries in X-Men (6)
Zelda Convention - July 6, 2011

Movie Reboots Don't Have to Fit in with Continuity

Wiiiiiiiiiin in the End!
This may surprise you - but I'm a bit of a nerd. Furthermore, I'm a bit of a comic book nerd. I'll give you some time to make peace with this startling new information. I went to see X-Men: First Class this weekend and overall found it OK - some good performances, some terrible ones, and a young beast that looked like the Smurf version of Teen Wolf (Smurf Wolf!).
And while I could be the pedantic geek that pecks at each element of the movie that dramatically departed from the source material - I'm not going to do that. As long as the movie is good - and the spirit of the comic book is honored - then I don't care how "faithful" an adaptation the movie. Because no matter what the movies, TV shows, or even newer books do - they won't necessarily change the original books that I loved so much. That doesn't mean I don't have kneejerk fanboy reactions to things in these movies or even just regular nerd reactions - of course I do (why does Emma Frost's clothes turn to diamonds when she turns to a diamond? it...it doesn't make any sense). But it means that as long as everything makes sense in the context of the world it's presenting and doesn't betray any of the fundamental aspects of the franchise just for cheap plot device, I'm pretty much OK with these changes. Organic webshooters? Different - but that certainly makes more sense than a teenage technology genius that does nothing else with his scientific gift, so I'll allow it.
But the part of my nerd brain that doesn't allow for such mutations in tradition is the filmgoer side. It's that side that had a real problem with X-Men: First Class, not the comic book nerd that secretly yearns for Speedball to have his own movie. The problem with X-Men: First Class, just like Singer's Superman Returns, is that it tries to serve two masters but ends up just making a mess. These films are positioned as their own entities - "reboots" to reignite interest in the property and for a new group/generation of people to enjoy. Rather than creating something wholly new and fresh using the same sandbox of characters but with a new direction/interpretation, Singer and his writers shoehorn their reboots into the established continuity of previous films - making the movies a complete mess and trying to understand the continuity becomes a sissyphean act of desperation. If you are going to reboot a franchise, having the story take place in the past/as a prequel, then you do not have to fit in with pre-established continuity. In fact - it would be better if you don't.
Zelda Convention - June 14, 2011

Zelda Convention - June 6, 2011

Top 10 Ignoble Deaths in Film & TV

[with additional reporting by Rob Dean]
Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. A chance to recognize and reflect the sacrifices made by our very brave men and women in uniform. Theirs is an honorable death, giving up literally everything for what they believe is Right and worth dying for, ensuring freedom for countless numbers of people for generations.
Unfortunately - there's not a lot that's funny about that. So we went the other way with it - pleased to enjoy this list of the top ten ignoble deaths by characters in Film and TV. These are deaths that are completely devoid of anything approaching honor, class or - in some cases - logic.

Nerd Ink - March 24, 2010

New Segment! Every wednesday we present a picture of a nerdy tattoo and a recommended comic book.
Today's recommended comic book reading is We3 by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely