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    « Quotent Quotables - March 24, 2010 | Main | Verbiage - March 24, 2010 »

    Nerd Ink - March 24, 2010

    New Segment! Every wednesday we present a picture of a nerdy tattoo and a recommended comic book.

    Via Great White Snark

    Today's recommended comic book reading is We3 by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely.

    Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely's mechapunk take on the "funny animals" style of comics is easily one of the most accessible and most enjoyable books in the medium.  I'm a big proponent and proselytizer of comic books and this is definitely one of my go to books to give to anyone who's either unfamiliar with the medium, assumes it's all just superheroics and tights or is just interested in a good story.  We3 tells the story of three genetically enhanced and cybernetically modified animals who are designed to be killing machines by the government.  They break free from their creators and go on the run from the pursuing inventors/tormentors, trying to figure out how to live in a world that they've been designed to destroy.

    Oh - and they talk.

    The Cat, The Dog and The Bunny (the titular three) all have very distinct personalities that are essentially the quintessential extrapolation of those animals personalities which leads to many memorable exchanges.  And while there's a lot to laugh at in We3, there's also some great action sequences (although some of the violence may be a bit gory for some readers to stomach) and a real sense of danger that keeps you turning the pages.

    Morrison is less esoteric than usual in his writing and shows off his talents for creating unique perspectives into familiar genres and archetypes.  Quitely provides lots of amazing designs and page layouts; in particular, his depiction of the main characters makes it hard not to immediately root for and fall in love with them, despite their being cyborg deathbringers.

    Be sure to check out We3 by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely today!

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