[Veronica Mars] solves little puzzles because she, like all of us, cannot unravel the bigger ones.
People with real power never fear of losing it. People with control think of little else.
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
Very occasionally, if you really pay attention, life doesn’t suck.
Currently, three of the most prolific and brilliant minds working in modern television are without TV shows at the moment:
So what should these titans of broadcasting do? I say it's time for them to get out of the business of television. Yes it's time to leave behind the main networks and cable channels for...the internet! Buh?
This is just awesome...
This awesome statue depicting NPH as his evil (yet sympathetic) character "Dr. Horrible" will be coming out in February from Entertainment Earth. The price for pre-order is $69.99 and there will be only 1,000 or so made, so get thee to Entertainment Earth's site post-haste nerds!
(via Topless Robot)