Entries in site news (3)
Gone Thinkin'

Hey all -
Sorry for erratic schedule. I'm slammed at my real job plus I've been having a terrible case of migraines for the past 4 days and, on top of that, got a heapin' helpin' of depression. Woot. Anyways, the site is going on hiatus for a bit. I'll try to figure out the best way of doing updates, the best features to continue with, etc. And since the poll only produced 3 responses - it doesn't seem like anyone actually even reads this.
So for the three of you that care: I'll be back, probably in about a week or two. If you're interested in regularly contributing to the site, email me.
Til then...

No Post Today

Sorry, folks. I feel like absolute shit and am having problems looking at the screen. Everything else will continue as scheduled and I'll put up 2 "Missing Reels" columns next week.
I know, Bunk; I'm disappointed, too.
Zelda Convention - May 23, 2011

I'm just tryna change the color of your mood ring...