Entries in Republican (4)
I Find Maher Guilty...of Making an Apt Comparison

Bill Maher comparing the thought processes of Casey Anthony jurors to those of the Republican base:
Surveying the Republican Field

Although tonight’s debate in New Hampshire among the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination is not the first of this cycle, it is the first to include current frontrunner Mitt Romney. It is also the first debate since prospective candidates Mike Huckabee and Mitch Daniels announced they weren’t running. This seems like as good a time as any to share a few thoughts on the current crop of candidates.
US Representative Michele Bachmann – A three term representative from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann is a favorite of the Tea Party. She has the potential to appeal to conservative Republican voters due to her votes against TARP, socially conservative views (particularly on abortion), and tendency towards provocative, outspoken remarks. Bachmann has been compared to Sarah Palin, but she’s much more disciplined and serious about running for President. She has hired an experienced campaign manager and seems set to run a fairly traditional campaign, albeit with a less than traditional candidate. Although it is extremely unlikely to happen, I consider Bachmann to be the only fringe candidate with a shot at parlaying an Iowa Caucus win into the Republican Presidential nomination. In my opinion, the biggest thing standing in her way is that she is basically unelectable in a general election and I don’t think the Republicans will nominate an unelectable candidate.
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

George W. Bush: Much Better in Retrospect
- OR -
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Begrudgingly Respect
a Select Few Things About GWB
OK, let’s get something straight: I am no fan of George W. Bush. I voted against him twice, I worked to defeat him in 2004, and I think he can legitimately be blamed, at least in part, for many of our nation’s current woes. That he used gay marriage as a wedge issue to help increase conservative voter turnout in 2004 was hateful and unforgiveable.
But the story of why most Americans (and especially progressives) dislike GWB has already been written many times over. And while I don’t think it should be forgotten, I’m here to embark on a different endeavor: to discuss the aspects of GWB’s presidency that are somewhat under-appreciated by the left.
Once again, this series of blog posts is not meant to change any minds about the Bush Presidency overall. I do hope it provides a little perspective, especially when comparing the policies of GWB with those of the current Republican Party. So, without further ado, let’s get started…
Hate to get all political and stuff...

Below is a petition to start having regular "question time" between the President and members of Congress. I think whatever one's political party, this has the potential for being incredibly helpful and could force politicians to stand behind their accusations and broad talking points. Or it could just devolve into this. Either way - good television!