Choose Your Adventure!


The Neurotic Monkey's Guide to Survival is dedicated to providing innovative ideas that will alter reality as we know it and could very well SAVE YOUR LIFE. Plus videos of people getting hit in the junk.



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    Mass Distraction

    Monkey See...


    Deep Red

    Monkey See (on TV)...

    Childrens Hospital - On Adult Swim


    Goonies the Musical!


    Sloth's Song

    Goonies the Musical!


    Takin' It Back

    Goonies the Musical!


    Piano Lessons

    Goonies the Musical!




    Entries in Costume (2)

    Trekkie vs. Star Wars Geek

    Fisticuffs is when you tell me who would win in a knockdown, dragout, physical fight to the death between two people or groups.


    The sci-fi nerd will is torn asunder! Who will win in this eternal struggle twixt utopian retrofuture and futuristic ancient history? Remember - it's the fanbases that are at war, not any of the characters from the properties.

    Click to read more ...

    Verbiage - March 31, 2010

    Today's word of the day is "whimsy."


    1. capricious humor or disposition; extravagant, fanciful, or excessively playful expression
    2. an odd or fanciful notion.
    3. anything odd or fanciful; a product of playful or capricious fancy