Friday, June 3, 2011 at 5:00 PM
Zelda Convention - June 3, 2011
Rob Dean On
Friday, June 3, 2011 at 5:00PM

Let's head on down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch...
- Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Dreidels: Want to annoy your nerd friends and make that stoner kid question reality? Behold - the Inception perma-spinning top...thing....using magnets...from ThinkGeek.
- The World Just Lost Another Hulkamaniac: Deadspin's "Dead Wrestler of the Week" feature looks at those flying men in their wonderful sequins who are now hitting people with chairs in Heaven.
- My Client Has Never Been Nude and Doesn't Even Know What a Phone Is: Fleshbot looks at the pattern of behavior of celebrities involved in naked photo scandals and offers some tips [NSFW].
- He Shares a Speechwriter with Roberto Benigni: This kid learns how to ride a bike and passes on his wisdom to others in the most inspiring speech of ALL TIME:
- We've Rounded Up All the Useful Links on the Web, excluding porn, and it Fits on a Page: Redditor bigwax indexes the most helpful, informative and fun sites on the net. It's quite an impressive list - although he gets points off for linking to Joe Rogan.
- "B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T. Bullshit. I'm OUT!": In honor of the 84th Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee's first rounds starting on Tuesday, Techland counts down the top ten spelling bee freakouts.
- Hipsters Should Be All Over These Acts - I Doubt They'll Ever Be Mainstream: Geekosystem rounds up geektastic musicians that more people should know about - including one of my favorite bands of all time, The Protomen:
- ...And a Child Shall Lead Them: Speaking of music, Edgar Wright blogged about this kid who cannot contain his glee every time he hears the Sex Bob-Ombs play in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World:
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