Monday, June 13, 2011 at 5:00 PM
Zelda Convention - June 13, 2011
Rob Dean On
Monday, June 13, 2011 at 5:00PM

Via Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
- I Think the Organization Would Be More Credible if Assange Didn't Look Like David Bowie during his "Thin White Duke" Era: Alternet presents 5 Wikileaks Hits of 2011 that have major impact - but aren't really getting that much press coverage. Spoiler Alert - it turns out factual news gets suppressed when it doesn't serve national/corporate interests.
- The Original Title of the Movie? "Saw": 12 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Home Alone. There's a whole generation of kids that grew up with this and it was their main source of reference to Joe Pesci, making his turns in Raging Bull and Goodfellas really weird. I'm guessing this is going to happen with De Niro and kids who saw Meet the Parents.
- Glenn Beck Didn't Make the List: Topless Robot presents the 10 Things We Can't Believe Chuck Norris Attached His Name To. I feel like this list coupled with the entirety of Walker, Texas Ranger makes me think...we should probably believe that Norris will attach his name to anything.
- Just Like Mom Used to Make: You guys, I love Epic Meal Time. So much, you guys. SO MUCH. Drunken Canadians making horrific foodstuffs in defiance of a kind and benevolent God - what's not to like? Here's one of my favorite ones: Fast Food Sushi.
- Ooh, Look At Mister Elite Intellectual Geek, In His Ivory Mom's Basement: Larry Stanger, co-founder of Wikipedia, purports that anti-intellectualism is on the rise in Geek Culture. I think he has some points, but I also think it's possible that his definition of geek is outdated and needs revising.
- If You Can Suffer Through Jason X, There's Not Much You Can't Stand: This is an old post, but I still think it's really good. Devin Faraci posits that horror fans end up becoming the best film fans and even gives reasons for it!
- Get Drunk AND Be Anti-Social: The Drunken Moogle presents alcoholic drinks and drinking games for the nerd set. Let me know if you try these and if it led to more or less Doctor Who references.
- Why the HELL Isn't Tricia Helfer the Biggest Star in the World?: Tricia Helfer, Diora Baird, Sean Patrick Flannery and a few others star in this awesome Grindhouse-influenced video for The Black Keys' "Howlin For You:"
Don't forget to submit your questions for Ask the Ash-Hole right here! Eryn Ashley will solve all your problems, or at least provide you with an adorable picture to make you forget about them.
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Source: The Drunken Moogle
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