tagged Bret Easton Ellis, Charlie Sheen, Comics, Cupcakes, Food, Found Footage, Harry Potter, Idiocracy, James Frey, Pokemon, The Matrix, Twitter
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 5:00 PM
Zelda Convention - May 25, 2011
By Rob Dean On Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 5:00PM
You're not my supervisor!
- New Twitter Account to Follow: @AbouttoDie_Guy - "Tweets from a guy who is perpetually moments from death."
- HULK SMASH...and then Lightly Sautee: Comicsalliance takes a look at the Mighty Marvel Superheroes' Cookbook. Why does Black Panther, the sovereign king of an African nation, get relegated to making finger sandwiches? Not cool, Marvel; not cool.
- Squirtle Will Fuck You Up, Son: Sporcle asks "Is This a Drug or Pokemon Character?" It makes me feel old in all sorts of new ways. (Found via Reddit)
- Idiocracy Ripped Off 1991!: F.A.R.T. the Movie is a thing that exists. But at least we know who's ass it is and why they are farting...
- Caligula Also Got Booted Off His Terrible Terrible Sitcom: Bret Easton Ellis writes "Notes on Charlie Sheen and the End of Empire" for The Daily Beast.
- Cupcakio Patronum*: Continuing with another nerd food theme, AmyBites shows how to make ButterBeer Cupcakes. *(You roll your eyes, but you know damn well that's pretty much the exact same way it would've been written in Rowling's books!)
- Egomaniac in Charge of a Factory Full of Impressionable Young Adults - What Could Go Wrong?: How did I miss that James Frey created a rather creepy "Fiction Factory" where people would churn out Young Adult novels under his direction? Thank the lord that I Am Number Four tanked or this would catch on.
- Apparently I'm Not the Only One Who Liked All of the Matrix series: Yeah, I said it. I like Reloaded. I think Revolutions could use a new edit, but it's mostly solid. Bring it on, nerds! Oh, and the film below, titled "Kaydara" is an hour long fan film that takes place in the Matrix universe.
KAYDARA official film by Kaydara-film
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