Entries in 10th dimension (1)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 2:15 PM
Lost Continents, New Dimensions and Hawking Done Fucked Up.
Rob Dean On
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 2:15PM

SCIENCE! is a weekly dose of edumakashunal stuff from the world of science! Cuz you need to learn yourself a thing or two.
- Mind=Blown (to the 10th power!): An excellent graphic representation of all of the dimensions, from first to 10th. Really crazy stuff, but this video makes it very easy to understand (in theory/concept).
- Huzzah! Indiana Jones 5 Has Found Its Next Plot Point!: Lost Continent off the coast of Scotland sank 55 million years ago. How will this not show up in every JJ Abrams tv show or any time travel story? Something about raising this land, then aliens, then...I dunno...Jesus or something.
- Even Though He's Technically a Cyborg, You Don't Have to Fear Him!: There's this photo of Obama and Stephen Hawking:
Via Reddit. Apparently Hawking was getting a medal. That's not...that's not what it looks like. Also - why not give him the medal in a frame? You know, like Daniel-san did for Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor. Remember that? From The Karate Kid? No? I hate this place!