Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 5:00 PM
Zelda Convention - June 29, 2011
Rob Dean On
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 5:00PM

...actually I try really hard.
- You Are Not Your Animated GIFs: UpRoxx scoured the darkly entertaining tumblr #FightClub to bring us the Best of #FightClub. I fear that movie will become the next Nightmare Before Christmas; except, you know...good.
- Spy vs Spy vs. Dr. Manhattan's Wang: Pretty great send-up of Watchmen comic book - with excellent Dave Gibbons art by Glenn Fabry - in the run up to the 2009 movie from MAD magazine. Yes, it's mostly only funny if you've read the comic but it's still good times. Although there's nothing so weird as the unique nerd experience at laughing at something immediately followed by the lonely shame that no one else you know would get the joke or find it comical. Glayven/Wah waaaah. (Hat tip to Douglas Wolk at ComicsAlliance)
- Knife in the Eye...of My Heart: Speaking of ComicsAlliance and comic books, Chris Sims runs down the 13 best moments from Eric Powell's The Goon in preparation for its glorious, offensive and brilliant return this Wednesday. Why is The Goon my favorite current series? This. Because of so much this.
- Another Day, Another Little Pony Reference: Seriously - why have fanboys embraced this series so much? And why is it such an excellent source for memes? I demand answers!'s a great mash-up of My Little Pony and Reggie Watts "F*ck Sh*t Stack" (NSFW, language - but it is awesome):
- Fuck Fuck Stack?: Coed Magazine (I'm not happy about it either!) rounds up 5 films that most frequently used the word "Fuck." The answer...may surprise you. Or it may not. I don't fucking know.
- "Goodbye, Big Fart": CollegeHumor looks into the future at some unpopular final albums...and it is bleak. Funny, but bleak nonetheless. ("Goodbye, Big Fart" is a reference to this Family Guy bit)
- Won't You Be My Neighbor...IN HELL!!!!! EXXXXTREEEEEME!: Mastodon and [adult swim] come together for this new video for Mastodon's "Deathbound" and it is sweet:
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