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    « Tossed Salad & Scrambled Eggs - They Callin' Again. | Main | Quotent Quotables - June 24, 2011 »

    Zelda Convention - June 24, 2011

    Via Reddit

    She Breaks Just Like a Little Girl...

    • In Brightest Day, In Blackest HELLO!: FilmDrunk does some bang-up reporting in finding out that Green Lantern DC is a gay bar. In that place the ring doesn't go around your finger. Jeffrey Ross - please call me when there's a roast of Ryan Reynolds. I literally have about 150 more of these jokes.
    • "Hey Conan...Where's Your Sword? Oh. There It Is. Carry On.": The new Conan (O'Barbarian not O'Brien) movie has a red band trailer. I think if there wasn't so much CGI gore, I'd be more interested. Just saying - I feel like it wouldn't be that hard to make a half-a-person mannequin on a chain.
    • Tell Me He Didn't Just Say That...: Here's the latest Captain America trailer. It still looks pretty cool and I'm still interested (went to high school with Cap!), but I cannot believe that not only is there a "we're not so different you and I" speech in the movie, but they included in the dang trailer. C'MON!

    (via /Film)

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