Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 5:01 PM
Zelda Convention - June 15, 2011
Rob Dean On
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 5:01PM

That escalated quickly...
- You Have Disparaged the Good Name of Kelly Kapowski, Sir; I Demand Satisfaction!: I would recommend reading Dustin "SCREECH" Diamond's tell all book, but that might result in him getting money. And for such a douchebag, he deserves a fate that would fit in with the denouement of Requiem for a Dream (dying penniless while asian men scream at him to orgasm). However, read Nathan Rabin's AMAZING review and recap of this execrable human being's mind-boggingly awful book. It's funny, it's sad and it is awesome.
- Quien es el jefe del Pueblo de Trueque?: Congratulations, horrible evil drug lords! Because you follow Screech, you seem like not such evil people. Oh, they kidnap random people from buses and force them to fight to the death? Hmm...I still think Screech is a bigger douche.
- SO Basically, If you have a Camera and Know Mr. T, You'll Probably Win: Burgeoning filmmakers, here are the details on how to become the 26th director for The ABCs of Death. Make a short film about dying with the cause of death starting with T. My suggestion? Death by watching the movie Taxi with Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah.
- How Good Is This Trailer? I Don't Mind Listening to Led Zeppelin in It. Yes - THAT Good: Here's the intense, pretty amazing trailer for David Fincher's adaptation of Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, featuring a cover of "Immigrant Song" by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (featuring Karen O.):
- Why Aren't These Being Optioned and Turned Into Films?: ComicsAlliance presents 16 Comic Books We're Probably Glad DC Didn't Revive. My favorite?
- You Just Got Served, Gay Geek Style!: People are discussing the (not very subtle) metaphor of mutants = gay people/oppressed minority that is a recurring theme in X-Men (especially in the past 15 years). One dude refuses to buy it and thinks everyone's projecting. That's when a writer of the latest film steps in.
- ...When Would There Ever be a Sound Attempt?: A great/depressing/hilarious collection of 60 unsound attempts at Captain Planet cosplay. Isn't stopping this act of sadness reason enough to get eco-friendly, corporations? How many lives must you destroy?!?!?
- I Gotta Believe!: Here's the awesome Tony performance of the great "I Believe" from The Book of Mormon:
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