Entries in Spoilers (1)
Geektastic: I Beg to Differ!

I enjoy "Lost." True, I haven't always - looking at you Season 2! - but ever since the writers & producers have gotten together and fixed an endpoint to the series, I've felt like it's been on track and mostly an excellent and addictive show. Good character work, interesting (nerdy) plot elements including time travel, alternate universes and possibly some supernatural aspects.
However, I can see why some people wouldn't like it. It's serialized storytelling exhibiting the biggest clichés of that style - exaggerated cliff-hangers, constant evasion of directly answering questions, lots of back story and characters to keep track of in addition to a very intimidating mythology that permeates every episode.
And then there's the rabid fanbase, which can turn anyone off. In this "letter" to rabid "Losties" - which I guess are the agreed upon sobriquet for devoted fans of "Lost" - this website decides to draw a line in the sand and calls out fans for their behavior.
However, I disagree!