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The Neurotic Monkey's Guide to Survival is dedicated to providing innovative ideas that will alter reality as we know it and could very well SAVE YOUR LIFE. Plus videos of people getting hit in the junk.



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Mass Distraction

Monkey See...


Deep Red

Monkey See (on TV)...

Childrens Hospital - On Adult Swim


Goonies the Musical!


Sloth's Song

Goonies the Musical!


Takin' It Back

Goonies the Musical!


Piano Lessons

Goonies the Musical!




Entries in FX Network (2)


Double Dip Demands is a column in which I propose films that deserve a re-release on DVD/Blu-Ray with more special features, better transfers and other nerdy bits. Some of the films have no DVDs out there for Region 1 viewers, and some of them have a really crappy version that's bare bones or poorly put together. Who speaks for these films? I do.

Film: Terriers (2010 TV series)

Cast & Crew: Ted Griffin (Creator/Executive Producer), Shawn Ryan (Executive Producer); Donal Logue, Michael Raymond-James, Laura Allen

Plot Synopsis (via Wikipedia): Ex-cop and recovering alcoholic Hank Dolworth (Logue) partners with his best friend, former criminal Britt Pollack (Raymond-James) in an unlicensed private investigation business. The series is set in Ocean Beach, San Diego, California, although it is portrayed as a distinct town, Dolworth having been a member of the fictional "Ocean Beach Police Department".

Is It Out on DVD Currently?: Nope! There have been ominous suggestions that a major studio will release the DVDs - but so far nothing.

Why Does it Deserve to Have Special Features?: Firstly, the show deserves to be on disc. Thank the good Lord of the Nerds that I bought the first season on iTunes in a feeble and futile attempt at supporting the show/staving off the sting of cancellation. But it deserves to be released on disc with a bonanza of special features for a variety of reasons: 1) the show was amazing, was critically acclaimed and championed by every respected TV Critic; 2) it is over/cancelled - this is the only chance for fans to enjoy some more time with these characters/in this universe; 3) not a large audience, but a loyal one - if you make the discs amazing (but limited) then you'll make back your money and ensure that Terriers DVDs are given to relatives for all possible occasions. 4) Non-fans: for anyone that hasn't seen the show that does pick it up on disc, by having a great presentation with fun extras, you're enhancing the viewing experience which encourages the viewer to tell others about it. 5) Because I really really love this show and want these things, okay?

What Should Be on the Disc?

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Week of June 20, 2011

Every week, we list our recommendations of new music, books, comics, movies and TV to check out. This is Recs in Effect:

Slim pickins this week, y'all...

New Book

Crazy 4 Cult: Cult Movie Art

I'm a huge fan of Gallery 1988's Crazy 4 Cult series and have bought a handful of pieces and prints from the shows. The combination of brilliant talent, unique visions and beloved films makes it an easy sell for me. Many of these pieces are being collected for this book and I would highly recommend picking it up.

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