Entries in De Palma (1)
Phantom of the Paradise

Double Dip Demands is a column in which I propose films that deserve a re-release on DVD/Blu-Ray with more special features, better transfers and other nerdy bits. Some of the films have no DVDs out there for Region 1 viewers, and some of them have a really crappy version that's bare bones or poorly put together. Who speaks for these films? I do.
The Film: Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Cast & Crew: Brian De Palma (writer & director); Paul Williams, William Finley, Jessica Harper
Plot Synopsis (from IMDB): A disfigured musician sells his soul for the woman he loves so that she will perform his music.
Is It Out on DVD Currently?: Yes - but in a bare bones release with no extras.
Why Does It Deserve Special Features?: Phantom of the Paradise is an underappreciated gem that has gone on to influence many of the most lauded filmmakers today. Of particular note, Edgar Wright, Guillermo Del Toro and Quentin Tarantino have referenced the movie directly in interviews and implicitly in their films. A movie that is a crossroads between the stories of the past and the direction of the future, Phantom of the Paradise deserves a closer examination and analysis. A deluxe Phantom disc would be a great way to spread the gospel to cinephiles everywhere.
What Should Be On the Disc?