Look, I get it. He's a badass dude who made his own way by being the meaner motherfucker. A tough guy that only has two things in the world, his balls and his word, and he doesn't break either. He lives by the sword and dies by it; he goes from absolutely nothing to running most of the world. Like I said - I get it.
But even with that aforementioned stuff, there are four things that pretty much kill any reason why people should emulate Tony "Scarface" Montana. These are aspects of his character that should be "deal breakers" to his ever increasing fanbase, but for some reason people overlook them just so they can speak in a bad/borderline offensive Cuban accent.
There's an obvious appeal to Montana, a reason why Scarface is the idol of millions, but for people that watch Scarface obsessively - it seems odd that these 4 dealbreakers are ignored. Don't get me wrong - a Latin stereotype delivered by the constantly screaming Pacino who whacks Salieri and Robert Loggia is cool. Again, it's a badass thug who makes his own rules and takes nothing from nobody. But to celebrate the movie and character without acknowledging some serious character flaws seems like a pretty dumbass move.
Here's a true story to illustrate my point: a friend of my (then) girlfriend had a foreign boyfriend with a lot of money. He was an odd European fellow, let's call him "Don," who came from a lot of money, hobnobbed with the elite in society and eventually begin traveling with a bodyguard. One time we're all at a birthday party at a bar and Scarface is playing on several television screens. Don can't stop watching it, no matter how much people try to engage him in human interaction. Now I hate interacting with people and, worse yet, I'm bad at it. But I can talk movies with anyone. So I start asking him "oh you like this movie?" and he responds "oh man i love it. it's the best. it's like - live like that, right?" To which I nervously chuckled and realized I needed to escape this conversational cul de sac toot suite. A few months later, Don was indicted on a number of felonies and spent some time in the clink. Oh and that money he had wasn't there either, and he has fallen from grace in a spectacular, if a bit ignoble, fashion. My point, and the reason for my awkward reaction to his adoration of Scarface, is that if you model yourself after Scarface - your life is fucked.
So keep sampling the movie, rappers, and hanging the poster up in your dorm room, frat boys - but next time you introduce people to "your little friend," think of these 4 Reasons why Scarface is a pretty shitty role model to have.
[SPOILERS for a 28 year old movie that has been referenced and riffed on ad nausem lie AHEAD]
4. He Dies.
Not a good look, bro
I know "live by the sword, die by the sword." Or - he went out on his own terms. But here's the thing - no he did not. First his sister shot him in the leg, then he watches her get gunned down, all before he gets shot by a billion Colombians. Sure he took out maybe a dozen - but that's like killing a dozen Stormtroopers: it doesn't really count and the organization won't notice or even mourn the loss. If you think Tony Montana is the shit, then you think it's awesome to get shot to shit and then faceplant into your fountain with its tacky neon sign. You know what's more pimp than that? Not dying and just controlling everything from behind the scenes. Find your own hotshot cokehead Latin stereotype to go out and hack people up and you can just chill in your villa and not worry about being a target. Not only does Tony make himself a huge target but he's also just a middle manager - instead of having important people depend on him or having his own political clout, he's just a thug that shoots stuff and gives motorboats to mounds of cocaine. Which leads to fault number three...
3. He's a cokehead.
Tony, you got some on your...you know what? Never mind.
Everyone has a vice and I guess Montana gets points for dancing with the lady that brought him. But when you've just iced your lieutenant, and you know the cartels are out to kill you and things aren't...they aren't going so well...maybe it's important to be at your best instead of snorting the gross domestic product of Bolivia. There are deathsquads due to arrive at any moment and being hopped up on goofballs isn't the best idea unless your plan is to kill them by nonstop chatter about that time your parents argued at Knott's Berry Farm when you were six and omigod I love this song and wanna do another bump? Again - do whatever people. But if you're an addict - which Tony clearly is - and if your whole world (wife, sister, friend) is slowly disintegrating due to your addiction, then it's possible that mistakes were made. Just saying, not the best life choice to model your. And that's not even mentioning coke dick.
2. He Kills His Best Friend
Again, I could see the logic behind admiring this in Scarface. He's a loner who can't trust anyone - not even his best friend. Or...best friends let you down. Or some other highly convoluted "street wisdom." But here's what actually happened: Manny has been at Tony's side for his entire rise - standing next to him no matter what horrific ordeal was coming down the pike due to Montana's erratic, psychotic, coked-out behavior. Clearly, Manny is a stand up dude that is reliable and trustworthy. And Tony repays this steadfast loyalty...
Worst. Jehovah's Witness. Ever.
By stabbing him in the gut. The life lesson here? Don't trust anyone and friends don't let friends wear headbands. Every other "friend" in every other gangster movie ever made ends up screwing over the anti-hero and fucking up the criminal empire. But not Manny! He has his friend's coke-addled back. It's such a lonely, angry, paranoid world that Tony lives in that he turns on this truly unique character in crime movies, the one dude the anti-hero trusts that never betrays him. Tony had a good reason to kill Manny, though, right? I mean, he did tell Manny to leave his sister, Gina, alone - didn't he? But why would Tony do that? after all Manny has proven to be a really great guy who makes a lot of money and clearly cares for Tony's sister. Which leads us to the number one reason Tony "Scarface" Montana shouldn't be your role model...
1. He's in Love with His Sister
Tony. Man. What are you doing? Look, I get it - Gina doesn't look too bad, I guess...
Daaaaamn, Gina
That's your sister. I guess coke is a helluva drug. But c'mon, man. That's your sister. Just...gross. Tony cockblocks any guys trying to get with Gina, all while staring at her and basically eye-humping her every chance he can get. When the best guy in the movie (hell, in the entire genre of gangster movies) marries her out of love, Tony guts him like a fish. Gina figures it out and confronts Tony in her solar plexus revealing robe, before shooting him in the leg. I guess I'm saying...Tony has some issues.
Some of you may be nonplussed, thinking these are only fictional characters played by actors, so no real incest is happening. Fair enough. So let's take a true example of this relationship.
Hey - remember when this happened?
Never. Forget.
Of course you do. Remember how you felt when you saw that? Stomach churning as you mutter "oh...that's not right" while making a sourpuss. Now realize that Angelina Jolie macking on her brother is the PG version of what Tony wants to do to Gina. So now take that feeling of utter repulsion and apply it to Tony Montana.
This is the guy that all the hardcore types want to be. The cokehead sisterbanger that pushes everyone away until he's all alone and dies like a bitch in the bath. Maybe he does drugs and kills his only friends because he's hardcore, and really the only way he can go out is on his terms in a hail of bullets. Fine - I think you're missing the point if that's how you want to see it, but fine. But no matter what else, the real reason folks shouldn't idolize Tony Montana? He has a creepy sexual infatuation with his sister.
Shoot people, torture others, ruin the lives of countless millions with your poison. Victimless crimes, all of them. But wanting to bang your sister...hey, Robert Loggia, is that okay?
Thought not.
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