Entries in Spider-Man (4)
Tag Team Edition: Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man

Keith Doughty discusses songs, albums and artists that are unappreciated, unknown, and/or unfairly-maligned by the general public. This is Hidden Tracks.
Hulk Hogan - “Hulkster in Heaven”
I used to tear my shirt,
But now you've torn my hearts.
I knew you were a Hulkamaniac,
Right from the very start
I have no idea what set of circumstances led Hulk Hogan to release his 1995 album Hulk Rules. "Money" would be the obvious answer, but by 1995 Hogan should have already made lots of it from his lengthy wrestling career and various movie roles (the album did actually hit the top ten. . . . . children’s album chart). I certainly hope it wasn’t for love of music, because the resulting album can barely be called music. It can, however, be called hilarious, particularly the penultimate track on the album “Hulkster in Heaven”.
Zelda Convention - June 22, 2011

Top 5 Most Disappointing Supervillains in Movies

Via She Walks SoftlyIt's been said that heroes are only as good as their villains. In order to have an interesting hero, he or she must face an interesting and truly threatening adversary. In genre fiction, this is usually done by one of two ways. Either having the villain be a threat so large that it seems unlikely anyone can stop it. Or else have the threat be of a complimentary nature, the flip side of the coin of the hero (dark vs. light, etc.). In either case, when the villain reveals his or her potential for destruction and true horror, it makes the heroes seem even mightier and their (inevitable victories) that much sweeter.
Unfortunately, that doesn't always work out. This can be especially true when the budget limitations of films are coupled with the imagination limitations of most film producers. Toss in the need to adhere to certain formulas (or to create another line of toys), and suddenly you have an impotent villain who is not the definition of threatening but instead the definition of wasted potential. These are the top 5 worst offenders, the supervillains who seemed cool but were just...just awful.
The Madness of King George

"I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations - one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it - you will regret both."
-- Soren Kierkegaard
(Reprinted from my previous blog)
God damn it.
I hate myself. I mean, I always hate myself. But now I have a specific reason to truly hate myself.
That was my chance, wasn't it? My chance to do what I know is Right...and I just couldn't.
I can think of a billion ways to rationalize my actions. I was polite. I was doing the capital "G" Good thing. I took the high road. I'm not a man prone to violence. But any way you slice it, I failed. I failed you all...and that moment will haunt me for the rest of my days.
God damn it.