Verbiage - April 9, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010 at 11:30AM
Rob Dean in Blunder, Diabetes, Mistake, Picture is Unrelated, Rollerblades, Verbiage, WTF, Word of the Day

Today's word of the day is "blunder."

Via Picture is Unrelated



  1. a gross, stupid, or careless mistake: That's your second blunder this morning.

(verb without object)

  1. to move or act blindly, stupidly, or without direction or steady guidance: Without my glasses I blundered into the wrong room.
  2. to make a gross or stupid mistake, esp. through carelessness or mental confusion: Just pray that he doesn't blunder again and get the names wrong.

(verb with object)

  1. to bungle; botch: Several of the accounts were blundered by that new assistant.
  2. to utter thoughtlessly; blurt out: He blundered his surprise at their winning the award.
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